Dr. Marius Tarita
Marius Tarita is a research associate of a DFG-funded project on the scientific-technical cooperation of Socialist states within the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance in the 1970s and 1980s. Within this project, he focuses on the role Poland played in collaborative work in environmental protection research. Previously he worked at the Institute of History in Chisinau (up to December 2022). He worked with document collections of the Archive of Socio- Political Organizations in Chisinau (Moldova) regarding literary, scientific, educational and institutional evolutions in the Moldavian SSR after World War II. In addition, he has worked on several aspects of Moldavian, Romanian and Polish histories of the twentieth century. He holds a B.A. in Medieval History at History and Philosophy Department of the “Babes-Bolyai” University in Cluj-Napoca and a M.A. in European Affairs and International Relations at the same university.
Seit 11.2024 | wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg |
07.2021 – 12.2022 | wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Nationalmuseum der Moldauer Geschichte, Chisinau (Moldau), 50% |
09.2021 – 06.2022 | Geschichtslehrer, Professional Schule „Nr. 2“ im Chisinau (Moldau), 50% |
01.2020 – 12.2022 | wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Ministerium für Bildung, Kultur und Forschung, Institut für Geschichte, Chisinau (Moldau), 50% |
09.2018 – 12.2018 /10.2019 – 12.2019 | wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Ministerium für Bildung, Kultur und Forschung, Institut für Geschichte, Chisinau (Moldau) |
01.2014 – 09.2017 | wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Akad. d. Wiss. d. Rep. Moldau, Institut für Geschichte, Chisinau (Moldau) |
09.2010 – 12.2013 | wissenschaftlicher Forscher, Akad. d. Wiss. d. Rep. Moldau, Institut für Geschichte, Staat und Recht (vom 01.20.2013 Institut für Geschichte), Chisinau (Moldau) |
11.2005 – 08.2010 | angehender wissenschaftlicher Forscher, Akad. d. Wiss. d. Rep. Moldau, Institut für Geschichte (01.09.2006/08.2010 als Institut für Geschichte, Staat und Recht), Chisinau (Moldau) |
01.-09.2019 | Fulbright Scholar – Staatliche Universität von South Dakota, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika. |
09.2017 – 06.2018 | Stipendium der „Krzysztof Skubiszewski“ Stiftung, Universität Warschau, Osteuropäische Studien (Studium Europy Wschodniej, Wydział Orientalistyczny). |
09.-12.2013 | Stipendium für Forschung, Fakultät für „Artes Liberales”, Universität Warschau Universität. |
02.-12.2012 | Stipendien der EVZ-Stiftung, „Geschichtswerkstatt Europa“, Projekt Nr. 12111 (The deportations from the neighbouring Chernivtsy region (Ukraine) in 1944-1953 and from Bricheny, Oknitsa and Edinets regions (Moldova) in 1949-1951). |
10.2009 – 06.2011 | Stipendium des Polnischen Ministeriums für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten für einen Forschungsaufenthalt an der Universität Warschau, Osteuropäische Studien (Studium Europy Wschodniej, Wydział Orientalistyczny). |
08.2008 | Stipendium des polnisches UNESCO-Komitees für historiographische Forschung in Warschau. |
Publikationen (
Prigge, W., Tărîță, M. Moldova, the Latvian Purges and Khrushchev’s Generational Struggle, 1958-1962. Europa – Asia Studies. 2024, Nr. 76, 6, S. 950-974.
Tărîță, M., The National Language and History Revival Movement in SSR Moldova at the Time of Perestroika. Trimarium. The History and Literature of Central and Eastern European Countries. 2024, Nr. 1, S. 382-402.
Changes in the Nomenklatura in the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic after Khrushchev’s speech (1956-1959). Betekintő. The Quarterly Journal of the Historical Archive of the Hungarian State Security. 2023, Nr. 4, S. 71-88.
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Starea de spirit a populației din RSS Moldovenească, reflectată în discuțiile privind Constituția (1978). In: Latinitate, Romanitate, Românitate. Chișinău 2022, S. 497-509.
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RASSM. Aspecte instituționale și ale politicii de cadre. In: Problema Basarabiei în relațiile româno-sovietice. Bukarest 2020, S. 124-139.
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Instituții sovietice în RSSM. In: Panorama comunismului în Moldova Sovietică. Ed. L. Corobca. Bukarest 2019, S. 275-286.
Procese demografice. In: Panorama comunismului în Moldova Sovietică. Ed. L. Corobca. Bukarest 2019, S. 693-701.
„Mołdawska” nomenklatura partyjna w latach 1924-1941. Zarys problematyki. Saeculum Christianum. Pismo Historyczne. Warschau 2018, vol. XXV, S. 405-409.
The group profile of Bolsheviks at the beginning of the Moldavian ASSR (December 1924). Anuarul Institutului de Istorie „G. Barițiu” – Supplement Elites of the Modern period in the Romanian historical research (18th century to 1948). 2016, LV, S. 227-237.
The policy of the Party’s organization in the Lipcani District of the Moldavian SSR in 1944-1945. In: Countryside and communism in Eastern Europe. Perceptions. Attitude. Propaganda. Eds.: S. Radu, C. Budeancă. Wien 2016, S. 78-92.
The memory of the War (Second World War) in the villages of the Chernovtsy region (Ukraine). Brukenthalia. Romanian Cultural History Review. Supplement of Bruckenthal Acta Musei. 2015, Nr. 5, S. 867-871.