Javier Francisco (Freiburg): Imperial Expansionist Logic and the Bio-Cultural Transformation of North America
Wir laden Sie herzlich zu unserer nächsten Kolloquiumsveranstaltung mit Javier Francisco am 3. Dezember 2024 ein. Javier Francisco wird einen Vortrag zu Imperial Expansionist Logic and the Bio-Cultural Transformation of North America halten. Für mehr Informationen zu den Inhalten des Vortrages siehe das Abstract unten.
Die Veranstaltung findet von 18:15–19:45 Uhr im HS 1199 (KG I) statt.
Alle Interessierten sind herzlich willkommen!
Imperial Expansionist Logic and the Bio-Cultural Transformation of North America
Until the 18th century, European global expansion and rule was the most visible and resounding in the Americas. There, European expansion followed certain logics which transformed the bio-cultural world. In this talk, I will include European and Indigenous powers alike and discuss the interconnections of expansionist drivers and bio-cultural changes in colonial North America. We will be looking at four cases across the continent: 1. the Coronado Expedition through the Midwest and their search for El Dorado; 2. the locust economy of Russian America which moved along the Pacific coast enslaving Aleuts and extirpating the otter in their wake; 3. the century-long Beaver Wars which completely transformed the socio-political landscape because of the need to find new hunting grounds; and 4. the forging of protective European-Indigenous alliances like the Mi’kmaq-French friendship to repel British land grabbing in Acadia.