Sie sind hier: Startseite Veranstaltungen Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Stefan Dorondel (Bucharest): Redesigning Ecologies and Communities: Ecological Restoration in Late Capitalism

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Stefan Dorondel (Bucharest): Redesigning Ecologies and Communities: Ecological Restoration in Late Capitalism

Wann 13.01.2022
von 18:15 bis 19:45
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This talk focuses on two different case studies - two different ecological restoration projects – carried one in Bulgaria (at Brashlen-Kalimok, on the bank of the Lower Danube) and the other one in Romania (The Carasuhat canal in the Danube Delta). I try to pinpoint two different ways of carrying ecological restoration of an area which in fact reflect two different ways of seeing and understanding nature. Ecological restoration projects - which are still not very studied by social and human sciences - are not only redesigned ecosystems but they redraw our understanding of human relations to their natural environment.


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Das PDF zum Vortrag finden Sie hier


poster kolloquium 13.1.22

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